Monday, November 11, 2013

Mentoring afternoon

These were taken in Galilee, RI with my Canon G12..the bottom one was a feeding frenzy of gulls when some fishermen dropped fish carcasses in the water..I love the one gull who is just sort of sitting there and acting as though he is not part of that started raining pretty hard within an hour of arriving at the can see the clouds in the third image thickening and starting to roll into the harbor...there were a couple of wind surfers braving the chilly water...
I am the mentoring chairperson for our club, the Photographic Society of RI, and had a few people from the mentoring class (for people new to digital photography) with me...unfortunately, due to the rain, we only photographed about an hour...

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Micky and other musings

This is me riding my horse, Micky..he has lived with me over 11 years now and is getting up in age: he's 21.
Last summer was a bad one for him: he had Lyme disease and also developed Cushings disease, which is PPID in occurs when the pituitary gland begins overproducing hormones; it can be devastating for an animal.  I treated him with Doxycycline for Lyme but also have to keep him on Pergolide to control the hormone production...I take every day as a gift to have him with me.